The perfect soy marinated molten egg (Ajitsuke Tamago )

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*This is a scheduled post as I’ll be on my way to France as you read this.

I’m about to share with you a dish that appears on my kitchen table too frequently – soy marinated molten eggs or Ajisuke Tamgo.

The only thing that is holding me back from having these is the dreaded cholesterol from egg yolks and that is my favourite part of the egg.

I wouldn’t actually call it a recipe because it’s dead easy and it involves just a main ingredient with a few pantry staples and pretty much anyone can make this.

I love adding a soy marinated egg to my salads – it makes me look forward to the salads even more so when there is this egg involved.

I love serving this egg as an appetiser because it is quick to make, to multiply and is always a crowd-pleaser – everyone from my niece who is three years old to even those who claim “not to be an egg person” love this.

Since it involves so few ingredients, the key to having a good marinated molten egg is the time of cooking the egg. I’ve read so many articles on how to cook the perfect molten egg – I’m sure that there are many ways to do it. I use this method just because it works for me every single time (aside frm that one time when I forgot to set the timer for my eggs).

I’m pretty much known as the queen of eggs because of this – can’t say I’m most pleased with this epithet.

I like my egg yolks in this state – molten, set but not quite set, not runny and definitely not too cooked. What I detest most is overcooked egg yolks where the edges of the egg go grey, where the egg whites turn rubbery, and when the egg begins to give off a sulfurous smell.  I learnt of it from reading Hérve This’, a French chemist, “Kitchen mysteries” – a very good read for those who want to understand the science behind cooking in an accessible manner.

Before I start to get too technical (honestly, science isn’t at all my forte), I shall leave you as promised with probably one of the easiest recipe.

Have an egg-citing weekend and happy Easter  to all of you.


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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Recipe: Soy marinated molten egg (Ajitsuke Tamago )

Feel free to multiply the recipe for the no. of eggs that you have. If you have larger/smaller eggs, you would have to adjust your cooking time. Once you find that sweet spot, you can do it every single time. The timing for cooking the egg yields a molten texture – set but not firm, almost like a custard like texture.

4-5 eggs (about 71 -75g, in shell), use right out of the fridge
3 tbsp light soy sauce like Kikkomun (for gluten-free folks, use tamari sauce instead)
2 tbsp mirin
a knob of ginger, skin removed and sliced(optional)
to serve: bonito flakes and nori stripes

1. Place cold eggs (right out of the refrigerator) into a pot of tap water with the water just slightly above the eggs. Add a big pinch of salt.

2. Place the pot on medium heat and bring it to a boil. Once the water start boiling (rolling boil, turn off the heat but leave the pot with the eggs and water on the stove for 5 minutes – use a timer.

3. After 5 minutes, plunge the eggs into ice cold water to stop the cooking process. This is important, otherwise, the eggs will continue to cook through. Only start to peel the egg shells off once the eggs are completely cooled. It is easier to do that when the eggs are completely cooled.

4. Place the eggs into a zip bloc bag/plastic bag. Add in the ginger and soy sauce. Place the eggs in the soy sauce marinade in the fridge for about 3 hrs (turning the eggs around once or twice so that the marinade will be even). I find that there is enough flavour after 3 hrs. Do not leave it for too long or the soy will permeate the yolks and cause a change in texture.

5. Slice the eggs into half before serving. You can top with toasted sesame seeds, bonito flakes or thinly cut nori (just a few serving suggestions).

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About jothetartqueen

My first love is eating. A very close second is my love for baking and cooking. I passionately believe that the best form of appreciation of something is almost always through the creation of it. This passion took me on a whirlwind, unforgettable ride through the patisserie diploma course at Le Cordon Bleu (Sydney). Join me on my discovery for the love of food – through the kitchen, through the markets, through experimenting, tasting and loving.
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